Index / RPM / Path / O-Cell / Thesis / Trundle / Vehicle4 / Atmosphere
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On August 1, 2001 I completed my Masters Thesis, a 134 page document which provides a context and theory for Behavioral Kinetic Sculpture. This thesis was completed within the Aesthetics and Computation Group at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology.

As we enter the 21st century, our culture has been significantly changed by the arrival of the internet and the proliferation of personal computing and digital communications. As the decades progress, we will find ourselves interacting with machines more and more frequently, but what will be the qualities of these interactions? Through integrating information processing technologies into kinetic sculpture we are able to explore new methods and properties of interaction. The concepts and experiments presented in this thesis as behavioral kinetic sculpture are the intellectual progeny of cybernetic art as evolved over the last thirty years through the development of interactive software, behavioral robotics, artificial life, and modern sculpture. This thesis defines the concept of behavioral kinetic sculpture as a unique category of expression through providing context, terminology, and a conceptual structure for its discussion and evaluation. This is supported through discussing the author’s experiments in interaction and the behavioral kinetic sculpture, Trundle.

Thesis Advisor: John Maeda
Thesis Readers: Michael Joaquin Grey, Bruce Blumberg



© 2000 | Casey Reas